Information Systems Ch 8

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Electronic bill presentment and payment (EBPP) is spreading quickly. FALSE Companies whose R&D staffs cannot find a solution to a biological or chemical problem can post the challenge at ____ and offer a cash reward for a practical solution. INNOCENTIVE INC Companies that sell online maintain large warehouses and pay for picking, packing, and shipping, three activities known as ____. FUFILLMENT In ____, the hosting company owns the server and the server management software. SHARED HOSTING ____ transfers visitor inquiries from a busy server to a less busy server for identical information and services. LOAD BALANCING A reach occurs whenever a browser downloads a page containing a banner. FALSE ____ software notifies bloggers when their posts have been mentioned elsewhere on the Web, so they and their readers can extend the discussion beyond the original blog. TRACKBACK Some companies might want to use entire physical servers all for themselves and therefore can opt for ____. DEDICATED HOSTING Domain names always start with www. FALSE In general, the volume of e-commerce between businesses is about ten times as great as that of business-to-consumer e-commerce. TRUE While ____ might sound benign, many privacy advocates claim that it violates privacy rights. CONSUMER PROFILING A secure version of the HTTP protocol for confidential transactions IS _____ HTTPS Companies in the same industry—competitors—often collaborate in establishing a Web site for one or several purposes. TRUE By using cookies and recording shoppers’ movements, ____ software can create electronic consumer profiles for each shopper and buyer. CRM Many online businesses offer affiliate programs to Web site owners. TRUE Most hosting companies offer the use of a combination of software popularly called LAMP, which is an acronym: Linux for operating system, ____,

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