Information Security Essay

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© Cengage Learning. All rights reserved. No distribution allowed without express authorization. chapter 3 Legal, Ethical, and Professional Issues in Information Security In civilized life, law floats in a sea of ethics. EARL WARREN, CHIEF JUSTICE OF THE UNITED STATES, 12 NOVEMBER 1962 Henry Magruder made a mistake—he left a CD at the coffee station. Later, when Iris Majwubu was topping off her mug with fresh tea, hoping to wrap up her work on the current SQL code module before it was time to go home, she saw the unlabeled CD on the counter. Being the helpful sort, she picked it up, intending to return it to the person who’d left it behind. Expecting to find perhaps the latest device drivers, or someone’s work from the development team’s office, Iris slipped the disk into the drive of her computer and ran a virus scan on its contents before opening the file explorer program. She had been correct in assuming the CD contained data files, and lots of them. She opened a file at random: names, addresses, and Social Security numbers appeared on her screen. These were not the test records she expected; they looked more like critical payroll data. Concerned, she found a readme.txt file and opened it. It read: Jill, see files on this disc. Hope they meet your expectations. Wire money to account as arranged. Rest of data sent on payment. Iris realized that someone was selling sensitive company data to an outside information broker. She looked back at the directory listing and saw that the files spanned the range of 89 90 Chapter 3 Now, who did this belong to? She opened up the file properties option on the readme.txt file. The file owner was listed as “hmagruder.” That must be Henry Magruder, the developer two cubes over in the next aisle. Iris pondered her next action. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: Upon completion of this material, you

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