Influencing Mental Models

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Influencing Mental Models William Mankowski OI-361 August 14, 2013 Tina Guyette Influencing Mental Models Mental models are essentially images, thoughts, and conclusions formulated while thinking or contemplating. Mental models or mindsets often manifest as a system of beliefs, values, and ethics. Mental models are developed and molded over time – influenced and shaped by biological, psychological, and sociological experiences and factors. People play an enormous role in shaping the mental mindsets of others. Much of what we believe has been shaped by our parents, families, teachers, clergy, and peers etc. This essay will examine factors that may affect behavioral and ideological changes in the mental models and mindsets of individuals within an organization. This essay also examines four creative intelligence mindsets: intuition, imagination, innovation, and inspiration by comparing and contrasting the influence they have on organizational decision making. This essay concludes by examining the author’s mental mindset and how it affects his decision making in the workplace. Influencing Factors The art of management is to get a diverse group of individuals to use their intelligence, skills and abilities to achieve organizational goals. That is a polite way of saying the job of management is to control the actions of others for the purpose of achieving another’s objectives. The problem is people do not like to be controlled or oppressed. Nobody seems to like a dictator. The most effective leaders seem to possess the ability to persuade others to cooperate and collaborate rather than dictate behavior. Rewards and incentives are excellent means to influence individual behavior. Rewards and incentives can take various forms. Cash bonuses linked to performance are a common form of incentive and reward. Formal recognition through letters of appreciation and

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