Influences of a Stay at Home Mother

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The Influences of a Stay at Home Mom Janessa Virissimo Sonoma State University Every family and relationship within that family is different and has an impact in their own way, whether we notice the power they hold on us or not. We are all born and raised into a family, our family of origin. Through these families, we are given the opportunity to observe the effects that small or large decisions have on our lives whether it be now or later down the road. I come from a Portuguese family where it is difficult to stray from Portuguese traditions. One main Portuguese tradition is where the father goes out and fishes to provide for the family, while the mother stays home and takes care of the children. Even though my parents are not divorced, it can feel that way because my mother practically raised both my brother and I without my father by her side. The consequences and lifestyle changes due to my parent’s decisions have impacted my life and family in ways I never really noticed until I became older. These changes have impacted me on how I grew up, how I manage relationships, how I see father figures and even mother figures, and most importantly how it will shape my adult life. Living in a house with a stay at home parent and one who travels is a difficult thing to process, but for me its normal. My dad, even before I was born, was fishing and because of that, that’s all I’ve ever known. He goes out for about four to five months at a time, comes home for a week, and then leaves again. People have always asked me “Don’t you miss your dad?” and the truth is I do miss my dad, but my family raised me in this type of situation, which has helped me learn to cope with it. My mom and dad both went through the same thing with their parents. For my mom, all she knew was to be a stay at home mom because her mom was one as well. My dad knew he had to provide for

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