Influences in the Teaching Environment

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INFLUENCES IN THE TEACHING ENVIRONMENT There are negative classroom conditions as well as disruptive behavior that influence the teaching environment. I have identified (2) negative classroom conditions and (8) disruptive behaviors. The first disruptive behavior is chronic school “Absenteeism.” This disruptive behavior influences the teaching environment in that there is a definite relationship between absenteeism and classroom performance. I can remember a fellow student who always seemed to repeatedly be absent from class. On the days she came to school she appeared confused. She would always ask me, “What did we do yesterday?” In an attempt to give reasons for this problem, school absenteeism has been traced to such factors as a chaotic family life and unsupportive parental responsibility along with an individual’s academic and/or social deficits. (McCray, 2006). I believe one of the solutions to school absenteeism would be to schedule a parent-teacher meeting to provide insight into what the problem may incur. This would go hand and hand with my own personal classroom management system in that it suggests that corrective action be used. The next influence pertaining to the teaching environment is a negative classroom condition referred to as “Racial Divide.” I draw from this negative classroom condition a past experience that occurred when I was in the 3rd grade. My teacher was Caucasian and taught a mostly Black homeroom classroom. By the same token I had a Black teacher who taught social studies. I found that my Black teacher made me feel favorably about learning, asking questions or commenting on class issues. However, my Caucasian teacher made me feel like I couldn’t relax in her class. She would often emphasize that she was “watching us” and we better not misbehave. I noticed that she never punished the two Caucasian students and she even

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