Influence of Visual Media Paper

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Influence of Visual Media Paper Melinda Whitfield HUM176 7/27/2014 Janet Swiggart University of Phoenix Entertainment media has shaped American culture and values in many ways. The television is now playing babysitter to our children our children spends more time with the internet, video games and their smart phones than with their parents. If you allow your children to watch television, you should present to provide guidance and perspective. Researcher James Hamilton notes that “large literatures exist on the impact of television violence on society… the laboratory evidence firmly establishes that violence on television causes children to be more aggressive, children learn scripts of behavior from television that lead them to be violent in later life” (Channeling Violence, pp.6,30). “More than 1,000 studies have established links between television violence and behavior that emerges later in life” (U.S. News & World Report, Sept. 11, 1995, p.66). “When entertainment industry leaders deny that violent entertainment spawns violent behavior, it is like tobacco company executives denying that smoking causes cancer--- they are simply ignoring the facts! Today we are witnessing the horribly tragic results of such misguided thinking. Increasingly, younger children are killing their peers and others who get in their way”. (> Magazines 2003- January- February) This brings me to the visual media television series I chose to evaluate with a critical eye. This show would be South Park, which “is an animated series featuring four foul-mouthed 4th graders, Stan, Kyle, Kenny and Cartman”. (Www. /title/tt0121955) “The show is set in the Colorado town of South Park where we follow the adventures of four foul-mouthed fourth-graders. Eric Cartman, the rude, obnoxious, sadistic, racist, fat kid;
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