Influence of Sports on Youth

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Adolescence is a crucial time period of developmental transitioning. During this time, youth are susceptible to change in regards to their observations and influences. Not only are children physically maturing, but according to Susan Harter, a well-known and knowledgeable lead professor of University of Denver’s Developmental Psychology Program, “developmental theorists characterize adolescence as a period of increased introspection occasioned by cognitive advances, and a time of preoccupation with how one is viewed by others” (Barber & Chadwick, 1992). In other words, during this period, there is a change in surroundings, in which there is greater interaction with peers, resulting in adolescents search for their self-worth and role in society. They are introduced to risks, as well as granted opportunities, which can either benefit or hurt them. These challenges navigate adolescents into the person they ultimately become. In today’s society, there is growing concern regarding adolescents’ healthy development and behavior. Currently, is it clearly visible that this generation struggles with deviant behavior, such as teen pregnancy, drug and alcohol related problems, as well as negative self-image, including low self-esteem, or lack of confidence. Adolescents in today’s society deal with many more obstacles on their path towards adulthood, including parents, drugs, dangerous actions, and peer and academic pressure from school (Roth & Brooks-Gunn, 2003). Peer influence plays a great role, and youth struggle with finding themselves in a crowd and gaining appraisal from their classmates. Many parents and school boards view extracurricular activities, in particular sports and exercise, as a means of intervention. Parents encourage their youth to join as active members in their local sports team, whether it be for their school or community team. It is

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