Influence of Agrippina the Younger

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Assess Agrippina’s political influence Agrippina had broken through the boundaries of a common Roman matron and became a key political player. Agrippina’s ancestry was the foundation to her influence, she was born in AD 15 into a well respected family and had close connection the Judio-Claudian line. Her father Germanicus was the nephew and adopted son of Tiberius therefore Agrippina was the granddaughter of Augustus Caesar. Her connection to the Judio-Claudian’s was the stepping stone to supremacy for she soon became the sister of an emperor and was able to produce a possible heir. During the reign of Gaius Agrippina held no position of power or influence yet she had ascended into the public eye as the sister of an Emperor and was granted honours. Evidence to suggest this is a Roman coin which depicts the three sisters of Gaius. A woman had never before received such honours, this is important for Agrippina achieves popularity and respect through her link with the Judio-Claudians. Agrippina received the rights of a vestal virgin which gave her freedom and made her exempt from being controlled by a man. Agrippina’s attempted removal of Emperor Gaius which (Ledbetter) considers a failed experiment was to ensure Nero’s ascension as Emperor and to gain influence for herself. This plan led to exile for Agrippina yet her willingness and ambition to interfere with the Judio-Claudian line and gain influence was shown. After the death of Messalina Claudius chose Agrippina as his wife, for the first time Agrippina had political influence in Rome and began her plan to manipulate the line of succession, according to Tacitus she devoted herself to scheming for her son. Agrippina’s influence emerged mainly from her relationships with Seneca and Burrus who enabled her to ascend her power. Agrippina’s influence is clearly shown through her decision to recall the exiled
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