Inflatable Furniture Is Kitsch

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Inflatable furniture fits the definition of kitsch. According to William H Inflatable furniture is “a vulgar showoff.” While shopping in a store, something terrible catches the eye; it’s big, plastic and ugly. Right in the middle of the main aisle of a large store sits a whole living room display of inflatable furniture. There is a couch that is leopard print, two chairs with ottomans sit on either side of it one of the chairs is purple glitter the ottoman and bright pink and the other chair is ugly puke yellow with a green and red striped pattern on it. It all sits right there in the middle of the store, there is no way around it, all the shoppers stop and stare and wonder how that would be comfortable or even nice to have in their home. It’s hard to stop staring at it and wonder if it’s actually really the furniture that would be chosen to furnish a home. Not only is it a vulgar show off, inflatable furniture “took a lot of trouble to make.” The process to make inflatable furniture is ridiculous! First the plastic needs to be melted down from little tiny pieces of hard plastic and poured out to form. If a special pattern piece is ordered this process takes longer as you have to separate the colors and set it up in a pattern. Then it has to be cooled to just the right temperature so it can then be stretched out into a couch, chair, loveseat, bed, ottoman or whatever piece is ordered. Then it has to sit for weeks to cool and set. After it has cooled the plug is put into it so it can be blown up and used. It is a long exhausting process to blow up the inflatable furniture. To blow the furniture up one has to bit ever so slightly on the plug and blow air into it at the same time. This takes days to finally get it blown up to full capacity. Unfortunately after it took so much trouble to make, it also “quite hideous.” It is terrible to sit on inflatable furniture
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