Inequality In Modern Society

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Inequality in Modern Society Rauch - SHRIMPS shouldn't get special preference and thus should be respected for that. Other parties should be ashamed for feeling like they should have special preference compared to the SHRIMPS. Mankiw - compares economic crisis to a new disease and hospital having methods but knowing which one would do the best effect in being the solution. Says tax cuts would have been better than the Keynesian Demand Side economics the gov't was pushing for. Economic Charts - Britain and US and Italy are high up in inequality. US pays more to higher educated people. Christopher Jenks - political contributions rich will stay rich Saletan - race should not be deciding factor in comparing people, it should be race and something else or just something else more tangible like genetics or hereditary issues. Nathaniel Glazer - American dream is still going strong in the US. Europe welfare system promotes laziness and terrible unemployment rates up to 25%. Gary Becker - Human capital should be what people should invest in other than letting kids drop out of school in high school. Charles Murray - bell curve thesis, men beat women at extremes while women dominate in the means. Stevenson and Wolfers - female happiness decline due to who they compare themselves. Kristof - although women are new majority in the workforce, they are merely catching up to men’s higher up status. Leonhardt - women can, in theory, do as well as men if they choose to have no family or children. Larry Summers - women can’t cut it in the workforce. There are innate differences between the two sexes. Fired from Harvard for having such opinion. Cross cutting cleavages - people hold many ideals and understandings of society therefore they apply these theories to while political party they'll affiliate themselves with. Symbol Manipulation - using IQ
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