Individual and the Institution - Raw and Holes

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An individual can only rely on themselves to mature and benefit from their experience in an institution. This is evident in the novel Raw written by Scott monk, and the film Holes directed by Andrew Davis. Through the use of literary and film techniques, such as dialogue, characterisation and camera angles, this statement is supported and portrayed effectively. In an institution, an individual can only rely on themselves to mature and benefit and this is evident in Raw through the use of dialogue and characterisation. Dialogue is used in Raw to convey the responsibility placed on Brett when he runs away. Sam finds him and gives him the option to keep going or come back to the Farm. He then tells Brett ‘remember Brett: only you can change your life.’ This was putting the responsibility on Brett, to make his own decisions on whether or not he would take the experience of the Farm and make it positive. If it is the individual’s choice on whether or not they will benefit from the institution, then they won’t feel forced and will be more willing to take the opportunity. The technique of characterisation is used later on in the story, to show the development of Brett. Brett starts to set goals for himself, ‘now he wanted to work with wood. He was good at it and would give it a try.’ This proved that giving someone the freedom to make their own choices will make it more likely that they will want to. Through the use of dialogue and characterisation, it is evident in Raw that an individual can only rely on themselves to mature and benefit from an institution. In an institution, an individual can only rely on themselves to mature and benefit from an institution and this is evident in Holes through the use of dialogue and camera angles. Dialogue is used in Holes to convey the responsibility that is placed on the boys at Camp Green Lake. The boys are forced to dig a hole

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