Indispensable Family Essay

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Burke 1 Xavier Burke Professor Moharir English 101 T TH March 4, 2012 Indispensable Family: Final Draft Everything needs something that holds it together, kind of like a sort of tape or glue. Just like when writing anything, it needs to be coherent. In the case of an essay it needs paragraphs, punctuation, and accurate points to hold it together. As for humans, I think that a family holds that person together and guides him or her to be responsible for their futures. Every person has their own idea on what a family is to them, and the role that those people play in another persons life that hold them together. It's the love a mother gives a child when she doesn't feel like she's worth anything, the direction and strictness of a father towards his son to shown him right from wrong, and sometimes the comfort of a best friend that brightens your day when it seems like everything is going south. These things are the foundation of a family, and also things that cannot be replaced. A family doesn't typically even have to be the “traditional family” that are seen on T.V. Shows. It could consist of just a mother, or just a father. It all depends on what a person's Burke 2 definition of a family is. To be a striving, successful human you don't have to be raised in a traditional household. As a matter of fact, single parent families are becoming quite normal in the United States. In the essay “Looking For Work” Gary Soto explains how he grew up and was raised by a single parent. He is now a prosperous author. So it goes to show that children that grow up in untraditional households are not 100% on the route to an unsuccessful life. Being raised is one of the most important things a family can give to a person. Whether you're being raised in a single parent home or a foster home, the major thing is that you are getting some kind of guidance. It basically
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