Indigenous People Comparison of Tainos and Maya

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WHAT WERE THE SOCIAL PRACTICES AND WAY OF LIFE OF THE MAYA INDIANS OF THE NEW WORLD AT HIGHT OF THEIR CIVILIZATION AROUND 2000 BC? NAME OF STUDENT: Josie-Ann Pompey STUDEN’S NUMBER: 0207 NAME OF SCHOOL: Intermediate high school SCHOOL CODE: 150010 SUBJECT: West Indian History TOPIC: The Maya Indians TEACHER: Mr. David Jackson Acknowledgement I first want to thank Almighty God for giving me wisdom and strength to complete this project. I would also like to thank my history teacher, Mr. David Jackson for his guidance and for being so patient and understanding with me. Finally to my families who were a pillar of strength and encouragement. Table of Contents Rationale 4 Aim 4 Introduction 5 The land of the Mayans 6 Social Practices and way of life 7 Settlement and technology 7 The Mayan Pyramids 8 Social structure and Government 12 Pyramids 13 Occupational Activities 14 Religion 15 The Mayan God 16 Customs and Traditional 18 Dress and appearance 18 Festivals and Recreation 18 The Ball Game 19 Conclusion 21 Bibliography 22 Rationale The researcher has always been fascinated by the lifestyles of the Maya Indians, especially after learning about the technological advances they made during their period of settlement in the New World. The researcher wanted to do a more in-depth research on the lives of these Indians to better understand and appreciate the significant contribution they made to history in the region. Aim 1. To investigate the settlement and technological advances of the Maya 2. To examine Maya social structure and government 3. To investigate the occupational activities of the Maya Indians 4. To determine the religious customs and practices of the Mayans 5. To examine social customs and traditions of the Maya Indian

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