Increasing Importance of Parental Education and Learning Resources on Educational Attainment in Hong Kong

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Topic: Increasing Importance of Parental Education and Learning Resources on Educational Attainment in Hong Kong Introduction 《自由之路:一间传统名校的学习生活》written by Lam Chi Chung suggested in the course outline was chosen as the reading material. In this paper, the main view and commentary of the book will be included. Revealed in the book, the issue on parental education and resources on students’ education attainment under nowadays continuous education transformation in Hong Kong will be investigated. Main Body Critical Review (1) Summary Lam Chi Chung, an educationalist, had conducted a qualitative and observation research on a traditional prestigious secondary school, Wah Yan College, Kowloon. Staying one month in that school, he felt the most romantic and joyful atmosphere surrounding the school, seeing students leisurely and carefree enjoy their school life, such as studying, organizing student societies and playing sports, etc. It appears that every students in the school can bring their personalities and talents into full play and have a strong sense of belonging to their school. Having in depth interviews with the school chancellor, principal and teachers, author understood the belief of the school ── every child born has innate goodness, establishing mutual respects and trust between teachers and students. Academic result is not the sole standard in evaluating students’ performance. Different from other district prestigious schools, all different kinds of learning and activities are mostly driven by students’ volition and self-disciplines infiltrating a free atmosphere in the school. Nowadays, despite the unsatisfactory prospects of education in Hong Kong, the learning experience in the school gave the author warmth and hope. Through every single stories happened in the school, the author expressed the possibilities of education. (2) Strength

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