Inconsiderate People Essay

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Inconsiderate People Everyone has a bothersome friend,relative and neighbor. The one who alway have issue or too busy. They are selfish with their stuff,but they alway want you lend them a helping hands. They are many inconsiderate people,but there are three inconsiderate group of people . The uncivil cell phone gossiper, nosey lady, and the aggressive drivers. The uncivil gossiper are the one who speak loud about his or her conversation like everyone want to hear who they're talking about. For example, you are with your family sitting down at a quiet civil restaurant. An uncivil gossiper take out their cell phones . They will start yelling through their phones. Then, they will get upset if you ask can they quiet down,for other to eat in peace. Another type of inconsiderate group is the nosey young lady. The lady who tend to be in everyone conversation,business and relationship except for her own. She is attract to people hardship and misery. Also,she will alway try to give advise when no one every ask her too. Lastly, we have in our inconsiderate group,the aggressive driver. Who believe he or she must speed thru the lights before its turn red. These are mostly the road rage human being . Who is mad about everything other then driving. When rush hours traffics come, they're the one who try speed thru or blow their horn in a bumper to bumper situation. Furthermore, the driver who can see you on the freeway trying to get over,but will speed up. Inconsiderate human being is somewhat easy to handle,sometime, but some people will label anybody in this group of people. We all have some form of flaws which make us inconsiderate at times. All and all, being a nosey person,aggressive driver and uncivil gossiper are people who need help fixing their life
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