In What Ways Is the Opening to the Color Purple Significant to the Reader?

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In what ways is the opening to The Color Purple significant to the reader? The fact that Celie, a fourteen year old girl, is already burdened with cooking, cleaning and looking after her siblings due to her mother’s illness is shocking to the reader. And on top of that we learn that Celie is being raped by her father, just described as ‘He’, only later to learn it’s her stepfather. The Color Purple begins with several very short chapters with letters to God from the narrator. Walker uses the novel’s epistolary form to emphasize the power of communication. Although the chapters are short a time span of several years is covered. In the early parts of the novel, Celie sees God as her listener and helping hand, yet Celie does not have a clear understanding of who God is. She knows deep down that her image of God as a white patriarch “don’t seem quite right,” but she says it’s all she has. Celie writes to God in a way she would speak to a loving and close friend which makes the reader get a sense of loneliness Celie might feel and makes you sympathise and feel sorry for her. She uses words which we might regard as crude to describe it such as ‘pussy’ and ‘titties’ without any sense of embarrassment. These words are the only words she knows for these terms. Celie is an innocent young who has been sexually abused by her father and is confused why it’s happened to her so she asks God why. And in telling God what has happened, there is nothing shocking about her language because it is the only language Celie knows and it is the natural language of this young black uneducated girl. What is more shocking is the fact her father has raped her and has threatened more violence if she were to tell anyone so the violence itself is shocking, not the language Celie uses. There is little information about the girl and the language can be confusing or not immediately understood. She

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