In No More Than 500 Words, Write an Account of This Poem in Continuous Prose (That Is, in Paragraph Form Rather Than Bullet Points or Notes) Showing How the Techniques Used to Create the Effects That Led to Your

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The main technique that I felt gave the most meaning to the poem was the use of imagery throughout; this is mostly literal which makes for quite harrowing reading. The first stanza uses imagery to describe a wretched scene, of soldiers exhausted, bleeding and injured. It also gives the impression that there weren’t enough supplies to provide replacement boots for these brave men, and once they are on the front line those in power forget about them. Despite all that, these brave men continued onwards, loyal to the fight desperately seeking a base to recuperate. You get a real sense of Owen’s tiredness of the war in this stanza. His personification of the enemy bombs is a really effective way of giving the enemy, unseen in this poem, a face. And that face is fearful and never-ending, but also, like Owen, weary of the war. The rhyming scheme in this stanza is also significant, giving a sense of slow marching, of dreariness, however due to the more formal structure a sense of purpose and organisation is also felt. To the reader it appears to be a formal and proper poem, this confirms my idea that this poem was written to Owen’s educated peers. The fact that the following two stanzas change from this ordered rhyming scheme gives a change in feeling. The second stanza seems frenzied as the true horror of chemical warfare is described. It feels as though it’s meant to shock the reader, from out of the dreary marching comes this yelling and fighting off an impossible enemy. The six lines seem to end abruptly compared to the eight of the previous stanza, giving a sense of life ending too soon. The use of end rhyme here seems to really enhance the terror of the image by stressing those last words. The distressing images give a sense of urgency and panic, as a reader this jolts you. The third stanza is full of fear, the sense of hopelessness for the survivors is clear,

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