The Importance of TV

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In the past people had some difficulties to get the information about other countries but this change when the television showed up and made it easier to know any thing about any place in the world.. Today it is very common for household to have one television at least In fact, it is difficult to imagine a house with out TV. So TV is important because of many reasons and here are some of them: TV's programmes and it connect us with the world. The first reason that shows us why Television is important is its programmes. There are many different types of programmes on TV that can be useful for all ages of people such as weather reports that help people to prepare themselves for the day, films and sports which offer a lot of fun and documentaries and news that teach viewers about the world. In fact, part of our culture is come from TV so we have to be perceptive for every thing we watch and hear. The second reason is that Television connects us with the world. TV with all it's objects of moves, colors, images and sounds could reflect a real life from all over the world .That means to get information about other countries is available at any time and viewers can learn a lot about cultures of other countries , also they can know what happen in the world from their houses. Finally, Television offers us a lot of valuable programmes and connects us with the world. Lastly, I would like to say that TV will still one of the most important source of information although the development of other
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