Importance of Research Topic

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2.1 Why is it important to spend time formulating and clarifying your research topic? When writing a research paper the most important part is selecting and clarifying your topic. The topic must be clear to you and your readers. The topic must fulfill the requirements of the course and it must be achievable. When formulating a research topic it is important to consider how long it will take for the topic to result in a complete research project in the amount of time you have available. This is important because as an honours student you are given a year to complete your research. Sometimes you may find that the topic chosen is so good or so broad that it cannot be done in the normal period of time expected for an honours student. When conducting research certain skills must be developed so it is vital that you assess if you will have gained these skills in the amount of time you have available. Skills required by a researcher include amongst many others, project management, data handling, IT skills, critical thinking and critical reviewing. Universities have standards and certain specification regarding research topics, it is very important to make sure that the topic chosen is line with these standards. The research topic must also match your career goals and interests. If the topic does not match your interests you may get bored easily with the research and this could lead to disasters like not completing the research or submitting a poorly done research project. Another important factor is being able to know if the selected topic has available resources such as books, journals and other data needed to complete the research. The proposed research must also bring about new perspectives to the topic. Formulating a research topic is a very important aspect of research and should not be taken lightly and during the formulation of the research topic the researcher must

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