Importance Of Piaget Theory

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Throughout this assignment given, I finally come in terms that child’s development is actually divided into four main stages. According to Piaget’s Theory these four stages are namely sensorimotor stage, preoperational stage, concrete operational stage and formal operational stage. Based on my experience during school based experience (SBE), the students that I observed show differences in their cognitive level. This is obvious because every child has a different ability of thinking, understanding, memorizing and comprehending events that occur in the surroundings. Teachers should be able to differentiate, facilitate and approach each student according to their development. Although the Piaget’s Theory is a good way to measure a child’s cognitive level but from my point of view there are several flaws in implementing this theory. For example my first student from the preoperational stage failed to answer all the five tasks given. After doing some research, it shows that children aged 6 and below sometimes doubt themselves if the same question is being asked twice. So, this may also have affected my results during this observation. Besides that, Piaget’s Theory does not take other external factors into consideration. This includes family background, economical status and environmental or surrounding factors. For instance, if a child comes from a poor financial status and does not have a chance to experience extra guidance from their respective parents or tuition classes then this child is more likely show slower progress in his or her cognitive stage. As a whole, I believe that by conducting Piaget’s Theory I was exposed to inventive ways to discover how children act on and adapt to new learning. This theory also shows us how cognitive change allows gradual movement to the next higher level in a
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