Importance Of Nutrition For Infancy And Toddler

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The Importance of Nutrition for Infancy and Toddler-hood Infancy and toddler-hood are a very important time in an individuals grow and development. Most people are unaware as to the dramatic effects good nutrition or in many cases malnutrition have one the development of children in this stage of life can have. It is the goal of this essay to help enlighten caregivers of children in these delicate stages what they need in the way of nutrition, when to introduce solid food and milk, what negative effects poor nutrition can have, as well as highlight a few key factors that can contribute to obesity later in life. We as a society need to be aware of the impacts of good nutrition on our young children's lives. During the infancy and toddler stages good nutrition play such a large roll in the way our children develop both psychically and mentally. Infants seem to receive benefits in the areas of neurological development, visual acuity, and cardiovascular health when they are breastfeed(papalia,2010). As they become toddlers nutrients like iron, vitamin A and D, and calcium are necessary in aiding bone growth, tooth development, and muscle contraction, and it may play a role in the regulation of blood pressure and body fat(Allen, Myers, 2006). In order to avoid not getting enough of these nutrients the American Pediatric Association developed some guideline to help parents and caregivers to know how to feed their children. Infants should have only breast milk or enriched formula until they are at least six months old. Once an infant hits the six month marker one can slowly introduce iron fortified solid food. This usually starts off with the grain family. At around 12 months in age children are usually capable of eating most table foods and milk can be started as well. Toddlers should have no more the 4 to 6 ounces of fruit juice instead they should be

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