Importance of Meditation

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Preface The reason for writing a paper on ‘meditation’ is basically because of my personal interest in meditation and wanting to know more about the subject. I have tried to present this paper in an informative article than a serious of religious activities. I have deliberately omitted the history and origin of meditation as it would make things more complicated and lengthy. My core message through this paper is to create awareness on importance of meditation and its overall benefit in our daily life. Through meditation we can unlock the mystery of self, that is our ego mind, and through meditation we can guarantee our well-being. I hope I will be able to justify and motivate readers to practice meditation once they are through reading this paper. Last but not the least, should any misread ideas or information provided in this article, I shall be held responsible for its consequences. Introduction Meditation generally is a very vast subject that some people invest their entire life trying to grasp its true meaning. Nonetheless, meditation can be incorporated in our daily life that would add value to our existence and make our life more meaningful. Although literature may provide us with superficial meaning of meditation, diligent practice of meditation is highly solicited for better result and deeper understanding. When I first started out my meditation a couple of years ago, I understood meditation as some routine yoga basically for relaxation. However, I later understood that meditation is more than just a technique for reducing stress. If practiced diligently, meditation can be the secret to our well being and success in life. It is the art of living in the present and being mindful with our thoughts, actions and speech. In other words, meditation is getting completely engaged in our daily activities with total awareness; for instance, mundane doings
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