Importance Of Emotional Education

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In an increasingly competitive society, educational institutions tend to develop students's capacity for reasoning and logical thinking, which is considered to be able to enhance students' competitiveness in their future career, so that they can lead a successful life. However, a successful life does not mean a happy life. Students should be taught to understand themselves by exploring their own emotions, which, in the long run, will benefit their lives and help them lead a balanced and happy life. Exploring one's own emotions can help one understand himself and cultivate his ability of self-control, and thus maintain an optimistic and active perspective of life. Commonly, a student, who is not taught to explore his own emotions, tends to feel disappointed when his expection or desire is not fulfilled, or feel sad when disassociated with desirable things , while he tends to feel satisfied when fufilled, or feel happy when associated with desriable things. However, when he learns to understand his emotions, he will find that both his happiness and unhappiness are not from outside, but from within, depending on his perspective and attitude. Furthermore, everything is changing. Recognition of this fact, he would take a active perspective of unhappy experience, trying to see the bright side of things, for he knows it is not lasting and unhappy experience can also teach him the truth of life. By changing his attitude towards the world around him, he learns to keep a peaceful mind and actively confronted with the difficulty in life. Further, only when one can get along well with himself by controlling his emotions, can he get along well with others and thus accommodate the society. In a modern society with more focusing on cooperation, good interpersonal relationship plays a significant role in one's success of career. So when students learn to have an insight
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