Impacts of Human Activity

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A. The Philippine Ecosystem The documentary made me more aware of the environment and the ecosystems. It showed that our country is indeed gifted with a diverse biological environment that can produce natural resources. I have been able to grasp some of the points mentioned in the documentary. Our Ecosystem is a natural system consisting of all plants, animals, and microorganisms, which function with all the physical factors of the environment. The Philippine ecosystems are forest, marginal, urban lands, coastal, and freshwater. Forest is a terrestrial unit of living organisms, all interacting among themselves and with the environment in which they live. Forest is the most important among Philippine ecosystem because what happens here will affect the ecosystem. Also, among the ecosystems, the forest is the most biologically diverse. Marginal cannot support extensive life system. It surrounds the forest and was once covered by tropical rain forest. It is a land having limitations and is generally characterized as an area with low productivity and is unable to support life system. The country’s most important life system is the agricultural lands. It helps generate 36% of export earnings 70% of population. Urban lands are areas intended for human settlement and support industries. The ecosystem in the Philippines is very rich in home of 12000 species of plants that can be found. It has the largest number of birds and has some rarest animals. The biggest bird in the world is the Easter star crane. Coastal is a strip of land adjacent to a lake. It consists of 24,000 species of fish found in the Philippines and 20,000 species of shells also found in the Philippines. The deepest place in the world is the Philippine Deep. Lastly, freshwater is the subset of Earth’s aquatic ecosystems which includes lakes and ponds, rivers, streams and springs, and wet

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