Imaginative Landscape Essay

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Natural Landscapes are blank canvasses waiting to be transformed by man’s imagination. Like a blank canvas and an artist placed in the same room, man’s imagination is sparked changing and inventing new and exciting concepts and pieces of work to transform the blank canvas into an exciting new piece of work. The natural environment and an architect placed in the same setting sparks man’s imagination invading the natural environment, creating new and exciting pieces of work. All analogies of man’s imagination transforming blank canvasses into a man’s wildest dreams. Imaginative landscape can be an expression of creativity and escape. Same as the artist and architect they create the piece of work and they escape the concept of thinking limitedly by thinking outside of the box. The natural environment around the current earth is always on a constant change due to the man’s imagination. Creating new ways to make mining easier to buildings to hold tourist and other travelling individuals are just some of the minor changes which leads to the invasion on natural environments all over the world. The craving all man has in recent years is the preliminary making man’s imagination come true. Flying cars, time travelling machines and even teleportation may be some of the inventions in man’s imagination and which have not been invented yet Presented with the prompt was an image. The image illustrates a large farm industry which has been built in the middle of a very vast forest range. All trees and plantation which was in the way of this construction has been demolished to develop on man’s imagination. The invasion on the natural environment can create massive effects on the population and the resources in that
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