Essay About Illegal Racing

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Illegal racers or ‘mat rempit’ is actually a Malaysian term for an individual who participates in illegal racing. The illegal racers usually will perform crazy stunts for fun such as the wheelie, lying flat on the seat and standing on the seat with one leg during wheelie. These illegal racers will race on the road or highways and irritates other road users. Meanwhile, legal races usually have their own license and will race in a circuit and will not race with a group in the road or highways. They find the excitement and happiness by joining illegal racing. They will start breaking the law by increasing their speed n exits the normal limit. They will assume themselves as cool if they escape from the police and by breaking the laws. The main reason for the youngsters to involve in the illegal racing is because they seek the excitement in their boring life. The youngsters who are in the peak of boredom will hang around with their friends and start to involve in illegal racing. They find the happiness and get popularity among their friends when they start to do something illegal! This happens when because the parents do not bother about their children doing for the most of times, these types of parents are so busy with their own working life, earns money and being so…show more content…
First and foremost, they could bang by some other vehicles. They also pose the danger to the road pedestrians. They often obstruct traffic low. They ride fast and suddenly appear from nowhere in between cars on the road. This causes other drivers to slam their brakes and causes accidents. The number of accidents is increasing annually. A new stunt tries by the illegal racers usually causes a very bad accident in every illegal racing! Besides, public properties like road divider, street lights and buildings get damage because of the reckless of the illegal racers. They cause the havoc and create the nuisance to the
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