If You Could Have Any Job, Anywhere in the World, What Would You Choose and Why?

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If you could have any job, anywhere in the world, what would you choose and why? Esaay In today’s society, education stands as a significant factor in order to succeed. We are now being challenged by new technology and being expected to cope with a changing world. There are many factors in life that influence our decision-making, personality, and lifestyle which will determine our future stability. If I have the chance to get a good education, I would take my medical education. So, I have the opportunity to choose what exactly I want to be practicing until the end of my days this would be – medicine (pharmacy). I do not want to be a doctor in the local hospital, surgeon or a dentist. I have my dream... I want to be a doctor abroad. I have already chosen the country- Africa. In spite of all the help provided the situation has not become much better there, there are still starvation, high level of death rate(among children as well) poverty unemployment and so on.. As a little girl I developed a dream- to make people feel good, but if someone wants to be good he have to be healthy. That’s why I would make Africans healthier. I want to get know with their needs, with the medical problems. As peoples they are not interested in surgery. They have bigger problems, problems as AIDS, Cancer and so on, and they do not have any idea how to get through it. I would be there to give them the urgent medical care they need. I would take care for the medical goods providing. I would be the bond between them and the other countries that is what they need – a doctor who they can rely on. I know very well that this nation needs more hospitals more doctors and nurses more people to provide food and other goods as a whole. I do not need huge hospital with modern technology. I do not need big crew- just a small place with a window and the barest

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