Ielts Practice Tests by Peter May

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could adapt to humans in charge. Puppies in particular would be hard to resist, as they are today. Thus was a union born and a process of domestication begun. large dogs for battle. The brutes could knock an armed man from his horse and dismember him. I In seventeenth-century England, dogs still F Over the millennia, admission of certain wolves and protodogs into human camps and exclusion of larger, more threatening ones led to the development of people-friendly breeds distinguishable from wolves by size, shape, coat, ears and markings. Dogs were generally smaller than wolves, their snouts proportionally reduced. TIley would assist in the hunt, clean up camp by eating garbage, warn of danger, keep humans warm, and serve as food. Native Americans among others ate puppies, and in some societies it remains accepted practice. ~ G By the fourth millennium BC Egyptian rock and drawings show dogs being put to work by men. Then, as now, the relationship was not without drawbacks. ~ dogs r?J!p.$.d city streets, stealing food from people returning from market. Despite their penchant for misbehaviour, and sometimes bec;Ise of it, dogs keep turning up at all the important junctures in human history. H In ancient Greece, 350 years before Christ, worked, pulling carts, sleds, and ploughs, herding livestock, or working as turn-spits, powering wheels that turned beef and venison over open fires. But working dogs were not much loved and were usually hanged or drowned when they got old. 'Unnecessary' dogs meanwhile gained status among English royalty. King James I was said to love his dogs more than his subjects. Charles II was famous for playing with his dog at Council table, and his brother James had dogs at sea in 1682 when his ship was caught in a storm. As sailors drowned, he allegedly cried out, 'Save the dogs and Colonel 'Churchill!'

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