Identifying Our Communication Expectancies

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------------------------------------------------- University of Phoenix Material Identifying Our Communication Expectancies Directions: List as least three verbal and/or nonverbal expectations that you have for the communication behaviors that should be used in each of the following situations. | Expectations for Communication | Meeting a person who is interviewing you for a potential job | This assignment was very hard for me to understand but I will try my best in giving the appropriate answers. Three verbal expectations in this situation, in my opinion would have to be as follows: 1. Use clear and precise words in order to be understood. 2. Stay on topic and rarely make it personal unless that avenue is challenged. 3. Use proper words with clarity that are deemed acceptable in the interviewing process. Three nonverbal expectations would in my opinion be 1. Watch my body language, in order to give a confident appearance. 2. Sit up straight and watch the actions I am making so that I can impress. 3. Make sure to use eye to eye contact at all times too show respect and a desire for the job. | Approaching a teacher and asking for additional time to complete an assignment | Three verbal expectations would be 1. Use proper pronunciation and speak clearly. 2. Be precise as to the reasons why you need additional time. 3. Make sure to pause after phrases and sentences so that your listener can stay with the conversation, instead of having to catch up. Three nonverbal expectations for this scenario would be 1. Make sure body language shows what your trying to say, in order to get message across. 2. Watch other persons body language so that if any movement that looks like their getting bored than you can make sure you change your approach and be more clear on your desires. 3. Make sure to listen to the teacher and plan your sentences according to
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