Identification of Organic Compounds

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Identification of Organic Compounds Background Identification of organic compounds can be carried out by finding out the functional group through chemical reactions. It is known within chemistry that carboxylic acids will react with bases and metals; and primary alcohols will be oxidised by acidified dichromate solution. Also the use of analytical instrumentation techniques such as spectroscopic methods can be used to establish the exact structure. There are a number of different types of instrumental analysis suitable for detecting and identifying elements as well as compounds. Generally instrumental methods of analysis are fast, they reliably identify elements and compounds and can detect very small amounts of a substance in a small amount of sample. Mass Spectrometry In its most basic form, mass spectrometry (MS) is an analytical technique for measuring the mass of single chemical and atomic species. It can be used to find the relative molecular mass (Mr) of a compound and distinguish between compounds; further identify molecules and their structures; work out the number of carbon atoms in a molecule and if a compound contains chlorine or bromine. The peak furthest to the right in a mass spectrum is called the 'molecular ion peak'. Its relative mass is the relative formula mass of the substance being analysed. This method could be used to identify an alcohol such as ethanol.(1) Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) Spectroscopy NMR Spectroscopy gives information about a molecule’s structure. There are two types known as 13C NMR which gives information regarding how carbon atoms in a molecule are arranged, and 1H (or proton) NMR which tells how the hydrogen atoms are arranged in a molecule. This method could be used to identify an aldehyde such as ethanal.(2) Infrared (IR) Spectroscopy Absorption of this lower energy radiation causes vibrational and

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