Ict And Social Development Of Children

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ICT and social development of children Computer technology plays a significant role in a child’s life today, and this role is rapidly increasing, transforming the everyday lives of children in many different ways. The aim of this essay is to establish whether computers can have a negative effect on children’s social development. “As computer technology becomes easier to use and early childhood software becomes more common, young children's use of technology is becoming more widespread” (Wartelle & Jennings, 2001). Currently, excessive computer use by children is not uncommon. National survey data gathered in 2000, indicates that children aged 2-17 spend about 34 minutes per day, on average, using computers at home, with use increasing with age (Shields & Behrman, 2000). Most children now have access to home computers and are using them for everything from computer games, to schoolwork, to surfing the internet, participating in online chat rooms, and sending emails. Use of computer technology is on the rise and as a result, researchers, teachers and media professionals are questioning the impact this has on children in relation to their social development. The reason that society is so concerned about the effects computer technology has on children more than any other subgroup is because of the social anxieties concerning children, childhood and youth: “The combination of children, new media and social change commonly arouses particularly strong views and has even said to have caused a moral panic. These so called ‘moral panics’ currently centre on computer technology, with questions typically being asked about the negative effects on their development.” (Shields & Behrman, 2000: 122) Most of the concern is concentrated around the development of young children, as “children from birth to age eight are learning rapidly, using all of their senses and their
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