I Will Explore How Shakespeare Uses Language to Successful Develop Relationships and Dramatic Effects in Act 3 Scene 5

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I will explore how Shakespeare uses language to successful develop relationships and dramatic effects in Act 3 Scene 5 Romeo and Juliet How successful do you think that Shakespeare has been developing relationships and dramatic effect in Act 3 Scene 5? In this Essay I will explore how Shakespeare uses language to successfully develop relationships and dramatic effects in Act 3 Scene 5 of Romeo and Juliet. Also I will look at how Shakespeare evolves hate and love between the characters in this Scene. Act 3 Scene 5 takes place in Juliet’s room after Romeo got banished from Verona. The Scene starts where Romeo and Juliet wake up together after their first night as a married couple. The day before Tybalt was killed by Romeo and Mercutio was killed by Tybalt. Now they woke up with the first sunbeams. Rome had to getup because he needed to escape out of Verona. Romeo and Juliet are very romantic in Act 3 Scene 5. They talk more romantic and amorous when they wake up and have to divide from each other. Romeo is very emotional when he has to take valediction: “farewell, farewell! One kiss and I’ll descend”. Shakespeare tries to make this scene dramatic and sad. This is the last Scene in which Rome and Juliet talk together. It is hard for Romeo and Juliet to divide which is shown by the quote. Romeo wants a “last” kiss to descend with a good feeling. Capulet acts really disrespectful and mean to Juliet. He treats her like a fool or a slave which has to do what he says. His tone is nasty, rude and aggressive. Romeo has a totally different way of talking to Juliet because they are in love. Capulet is her father but he talks not like a normal father would talk. He does not talk smooth or lovely. He also does not please her but he demands her to marry Paris. Capulet forces her to marry Paris by threatening her. An example for his rude treatment is: “I will

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