I Love Music

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I Love Music There are many different music genres in the world today however one of the most popular genres is pop music. In this genre there are many pop stars some are not as famous or appealing as their counterparts. I love music and I have enjoyed listening to it since I was a child. I wouldn't say that one particular genre is my favorite I usually just listen to whatever I think sounds good. One of the characteristics that make pop stars so appealing is their music and how its popularity spans decades and outlasts other artists and their music. Sometimes you can hear a song for the very first time and just fall in love with it, the lyrics, the beat, the melody something about it just speaks to you and you're hooked. The pop stars that have had decade’s long successful careers like Madonna and Michael Jackson obviously are putting out really great music and people are falling in love with it. I listened to Madonna and Michael Jackson starting from an early age and over two decades later I still enjoy listening to those same songs. The music that was popular in the past is still popular today and it's being listened to by a whole new generation of children they are singing songs that their parents sang when they were kids. Pop stars usually have a particular clothing style that is signature to them which also makes them appealing to the masses. Michael Jackson had a signature red leather jacket and one white glove that he was seen in a lot during his career. Madonna had her own signature also big bows in her hair, lace gloves, leather jacket and who can forget the cone bra it is something she's known for. Pat Benatar wore a signature head band in the 80's. Miley Cyrus even had a signature style as she played the Hannah Montana character and it's emulated by girls everywhere because of the Hannah Montana clothing line. Even though these looks were a signature

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