I Fall In Love With My Best Friend Essay

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I FELL IN LOVE WITH MY BESTFRIEND Love is a four-letter word that brings so much happiness, so much heartache, but is still so worthwhile. Friendship, on the other hand, is a wonderful bonding with incomparable rush of emotion that cuts across age, race, gender, religion and region. But what happens if you combine the two? Falling in love is complicated enough, so what happens if the object of your affection is your best friend? I know how that feels because it has happened to me once. I have a best friend I have fallen in love with. I didn't mean for it to happen and I was so scared to tell him because I do not want to lose our friendship. That was the reason why I secretly kept my feelings towards him. And since then, I know that there…show more content…
No wonder, considering that friendship is usually built on the platforms of mutual affection, unconditional support, or common interests, backgrounds or circumstances, similar to those that love is built on. Moreover, friends support each other through thick and thin, the good times and the bad and the ups and downs that make up life. But what if your friend does not share your feelings? What if he or is so disgusted at your amorous affections that he or she can never look at you the same way again? Or what if things simply don’t work out? These are some serious pitfalls to what might otherwise seem a scenario. The key question amidst all of this uncertainty is: Is declaring your love to your best friend worth risking the friendship? Tough question but one that definitely needs to be confronted before one takes any course of action. Friendship is the best foundation for love. But, along the way, when one tries to convert the friendship into a romantic relationship, I believe it can also put some risks to the friendship when the love feeling is not mutual. There are people who just reciprocate to the love offer of the friend because he or she does not want to lose the
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