I Believe in Being Yourself

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I Believe in Being Yourself If you think back to your childhood I’m sure an adult has told you to “be yourself” or “don’t worry about what others think,” but I feel as if that’s not always easy. Speaking from personal experience, I know that its hard to be yourself because of what others might think. I used to hide behind a mask of shame and put up a front that wasn’t at all the real me. I would always repel the people who cared about me out of fear they would find out my secret. In doing this, I didn’t spend a lot of time with my friends, and I was very distant from my family. It upset me not being around the people that I loved because I was afraid of being myself around them. I eventually found myself stressed and unhappy because I had to put on the biggest act so I could hide the true me. I eventually made the decision to not hide anymore, and I told my friends and family the truth. I told them I was gay and that I would no longer hide who I really was. For me, it was the best thing I could ever do. By being myself and being the true me, I’ve met numerous people that I wouldn’t have if I were still acting like someone I wasn’t. I’ve also grown closer to my family and the friends that I had before coming out. Not only have my relationships strengthened but, I’ve also began to open and I accept every part of me. It’s almost as if I stepped out of the dark and into the light. I can truly say that being myself has enriched every aspect of my life. I’m not the only one who struggled with being myself. In fact, earlier today I overheard a group of girls talking about getting surgery to enhance their looks. I also heard a guy saying that he joined math club because it made his parents happy, not because he wanted to. The point I’m trying to make is that the concept of “being yourself” doesn’t only apply to sexuality; it applies to anything you do. A lot of people
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