Hy Dairies Essay

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Organizational Behaviour Case Study – Hy Dairies 1. Observable signs that things have gone wrong/ Reg Flags * With the company’s sales increasing after Beauport joined the company 2 years ago she was anticipating a meeting with Gilman and expecting reward and recognition for her work since results were clearly demonstrated. * After a Long silence, Beauport managed a weak “Thank You Mr Gilman” she was too bewildered and shocked that she didn’t know what to say. She thought that she had done something wrong. * She did not know her boss well enough to be openly critical and express her feelings and expectations in front of him. Gilman however, mistook her reaction as one of surprise and made the assumption that her silence and expression were due to her feeling delighted when in fact it was the opposite. * In most organizations marketing wasn’t an obvious known route to known to reach top level management. * Only few people knew that Gilman’s own career had boosted from his previous experience of working as a marketing coordinator. So while he felt this was a reflection of his appreciation for all of Beauport’s hard work and that he was helping her climb the career ladder, she in fact was not aware of this and so felt that she wasn’t being rewarded at all instead discriminated against. * Red Flags can also be described using the EVLN Model to some degree to show her level of dissatisfaction. * Exit- in her previous company due to job dissatisfaction she had left the company and now she is feeling the same dissatisfaction and thinking of leaving. * Voice- After some reflection she is facing the dilemma of deciding whether she should confront Gilman. * Loyalty – as a result of the offer, her loyalty to the company has reduced enough to make her want to leave. 2. What are the root causes that led to these symptoms? Why

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