Human Trafficking In Pakistan

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1.0 Introduction Pakistan might as well be one of the biggest hubs of human trafficking. What is worrying though, is the fact that many minors are willing to cross the borders and take up the business. What is it that leads to trafficking in people? Why are children as young as five years old forced into this trade? What are the people of Pakistan doing to help those in need and to prevent trafficking from occurring? I chose this topic in order o find out what drives people to trafficking and to figure out why this is accepted by communities, and also to know if the Pakistani people are working towards resolving this issue. If they are, how so? I will be referring to newspaper articles and the internet and speaking to people who hold an opinion about child trafficking. Little attention is paid to child trafficking in Pakistan. Many times cases are not detected, and even when they are detected, no firm action is taken. This is because of the mafia and police involved. The police use this grey market as a mean of earning money. The border police and the law enforcement agencies are well aware of the trafficking in Pakistan. For every child or woman they ‘sell’ they earn a sixteen to twenty percent commission. It is a shame that the authoritative figures in Pakistan are involved in such a horrifying trade. They should be the ones helping to prevent, but if they themselves are involved, how is this to be stopped? They should be the ones helping to prevent, but if they themselves are involved, how is this to be stopped? The people we thought we could trust can actually not be trusted at all. The government should start taking strict action because this is not something that should be taken lightly. 2.0 Causes What leads to trafficking in people? Trafficking is encouraged due to poor social and economic conditions. The victims are forced to migrate to provide for
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