Human Resource Management on Employee Engagement

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In todays’ fast past changes and constant growth organizations need to stay up to date with their environments to keep or gain competitive advantage. In any organization the human capital is the most important, it is diverse and complex and what actually keeps the business going. To understand the people in the organization and work along with them to achieve the organization goals and objectives will create a competitive advantage.Human resource management practices see employees as an investment and a strategic approach in the long run. Dessler (2011) defines Human resource management as “the process of acquiring, training, appraising and compensating employees, and attending to their labour relations, health and safety, and fairness concerns. Human resource management is important to all managers to understand and avoid hiring the wrong person for the job and experiencing high turnover. Also does not allow the lack of training to undermine the organizations effectiveness and waste the organization resources (Dessler 2011). Engaging in human resource practices will help organizations manage its people to obtain maximum utilization. Engaged employees makes it easier for employers to reach this maximum utilization impacting productivity, revenue and profits positively. Employee engagement can be affected by employee commitment, employer brand and employee retention and by using human resource practices employers can encourage engagement.The main focus is how these factors affect any organization and how this coincides with the Barbados public sector. Employ engagement is a source of competitive advantage in today’s business world. According to Shuck, Rocco and Albornoz(2011) employee engagement can be defined as “an individual employee’s cognitive, emotional and behavioral state directed toward desired organizational outcomes”. They also stated that some believe,

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