Human Nature: Good vs. Evil

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January 22 2013 Human Nature: Good vs. Evil For centuries, man has been plagued with the burden of trying to decipher if humans are born good, or if we are just inherently evil. After many trials and tribulations, most people have come to their own conclusions regarding this statement. Although there have been some good arguments made about the opposing view, the truth is that that humans are born evil; however, parental guidance which creates nonviolent homes along with laws that force individuals to choose good restrain our potential for evil, but if it weren’t for the latter, we would take as we wanted, and if it wasn’t for laws enforcing us to be good, the world would be in chaos, because it is our natural instinct to do as we please, and to take what we want, and not only this, but many different cultures have adopted rituals to rid children of their evils, because they feel that human nature is evil, and that they have to give the child a “clean slate”. Because we are only human, we tend to make mistakes more often than not, and because we make those mistakes, it is hardly impossible to argue that humans are good. From a very young age, our parents work hard to teach us to share our toys and to play nice with our peers, but what some don’t realize is that if our parents weren’t around to teach us that, we would never learn, and eventually grow up to be unapologetically bad. This is because it is part of human nature to keep the best for ourselves, and to keep others away from what we feel is ours. Humans are not born with the ability to want to automatically share what is theirs, and this only adds to my point of view that much more. Cabrales 2 The only reason that the world is able to function correctly, the way it has for an extremely long time, is because of the laws that have come to surface in order to keep us in line. It is possible to conclude
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