Human Development Theory

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Human development features a series of theoretic mechanisms which explains all the inner workings of development from birth to death. Arnold Gesell, the foremost researcher in the field of child development, believed that the sequence of development is determined by the biological and evolutionary history of the species (Salkind, 2004). Gesell had developed a theoretical mechanism for explaining how humans develop in the world which correlated with many other theoretical perspectives. These perspectives unfolded through ideas from scientists, students and culture and into theories explain our place in the world. It is extremely important that each generation’s culture learns through discoveries, research and everyday experiences. Culture is passed from each generation to the next, and therefore the next generation’s culture is dependent on that of its predecessors. Human development has many facets and driving forces. Genetics is the main force which drives human development. What genes a population inherits can determine the success or destruction of their environment. I believe environment is second to genetics as a key force in the course of human development. Although genetics is the primary force, the environment is a flexible and moldable place for a person to develop. The environment has many variables in which a human can shift their likeness from one to the other. The main marker which shows human development has occurred is autonomy. The autonomous person or child has mastered a skill set in order to develop. Autonomous behavior is achieved at every stage of the developmental process. Humans are born into a world of many variables and influences. They are born with a predetermined biological sex of male, female or undetermined in some cases. Their gender, however does not always match their biological sex and nor is it required to.
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