Hum 111 Stages of Critical Thinking

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Associate Level Material Stages of Critical Thinking Stages of Critical Thinking Complete the matrix by identifying the six stages of critical thinking, describing how to move from each stage to the next, and listing obstacles you may face as you move to the next stage of critical thinking. |Stages of critical thinking |How to move to the next stage |Obstacles to moving to the next stage | |EXAMPLE: |Examine my thinking to identify problems |Deceiving myself about the effectiveness of| | |that affect my thinking. |my thinking | |The Unreflective Thinker | | | | |Admit my prejudices and misconceptions so I|Deceiving myself about my prejudices and | |The Challenged Thinker |can take active steps to take command of my|misconceptions. | | |thinking. | | | |Begin to recognize the problems inherent in|Deceiving myself about my ability to | |The Beginning Thinker |my thinking and have confidence in reason. |recognize that I have problems with my way | | | |of thinking. | | |Realize that thinking in all aspects of my |Deceiving myself about my ability to | |The Practicing Thinker |life must be subject to scrutiny. |recognize that I need
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