Huck Finn Conclusion Essay

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The conclusion to the book Adventures of Huckleberry Finn is almost a circle right back to the beginning. Huck is still running from civilization. He still wants to be free from civilization. As if he has learned nothing from his escapades, he will keep running from the responsibility of life. He wants to go west. In Literature, west signifies freedom or escape from problems. In the concluding narrative, Huck proclaims that he is quite relieved to have completed writing his story, and that although Tom's family plans to adopt and "sivilize" him, Huck himself intends to flee west to the Indian territory. After Jim's recapture, events quickly resolve themselves. Tom's Aunt Polly arrives, and reveals Huck and Tom's true identities. Tom announces that Jim is and has been free for months. Miss Watson died two months earlier and freed Jim in her will. Tom chose not to reveal Jim's freedom in order to go ahead with his scheme to break Jim from custody. Furthermore, Jim tells Huck that Huck's father, the frightening drunkard, has been dead for some time and that Huck may now return safely…show more content…
“But I reckon I got to light out for the territory ahead of the rest, because Aunt Sally she’s going to adopt me and sivilize me, and I can’t stand it. I been there before” (Twain 294). However, he does not enlighten us on what Jim intends to do, how he intends to rejoin his family, and the plan that he has for freeing his family is left unspoken when Huck emphatically concludes, “There ain’t nothing more to write about” (Twain 292). Huck is not interested in the fate of Jim, or of his family. Unfortunately, regardless of the secure relationship Huck and Jim develop on the raft, and the likelihood that Huck’s personal language may perhaps be indebted to black dialect, ¬their roles and human potential are reserved indecisively separate and

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