Howard Gardner's Seven Intelligences

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Howard Gardner invented a list of seven intelligences. The first two intelligences being Linguistic and Logical Mathematical. Linguistic intelligence pertains to the ability of learning and remembering how to speak and write a language. Logical Mathematical is the ability to analyze, carryout, and investigate problems mathematically, logically and scientifically. These two intelligences were valued by educators in many schools around. The next three were associated with music and the arts. Musical Intelligence was interpreted by Gardner as appreciating musical sounds and having the ability to recognize, compose what one has heard and in return creating it into musical rhythms and tones. Bodily Kinesthetic is the mental capability of using one's body or body parts to coordinate movements. Spatial intelligence is one's ability to conjure mental images and use these images to solve problems. The final two intelligences Howard Gardner referred to them as being "Personal Intelligences". Interpersonal Intelligence is the ability of one to mentally be capable of understanding the intentions and motivations of others. Intra personal intelligence is the understanding of one's own feelings and using this information to change one's life. Having read and get an understanding of these seven intelligences, Can apply them all into my life. Beginning with Linguistic, when I came to this Country I did not speak English. Now I speak three languages. I am fluent in English, Portuguese and Spanish. To me, I have applied the Linguistic Intelligence by remembering what I was taught and in return being able to speak and also write in three new languages. I also apply the Logical Mathematical Intelligence when ever I need to cook or wash clothes. I have to measure my ingredients for seasoning my food. With laundry I cannot
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