How Will You Influence People to Strive Willingly for Group Objectives in Your Organization (Target Based Industry)? Apply Your Interpersonal Influence Through Communication Process Towards Attaining Your Specialized Goals?

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How will you influence people to strive willingly for group objectives in your organization (target based industry)? Apply your interpersonal influence through communication process towards attaining your specialized goals? THIS EXERCISE INVOLVES FOUR ELEMENTS * 1.SETTING OBJECTIVES. * 2.MANAGING BY INFLUENCE * 3.MANAGING ''CHANGE'' * ------------------------------------------------- 4.MANAGING BY COMMUNICATION. 1.SETTING OBJECTIVES. OBJECTIVES are something that you will try to make happen in the future. Since that's a ways down the road it's good to get some checkpoints along the route. Once your OBJECTIVES are approved, it's important to make a plan to reach them. Taking one step at a time is best. Reaching each step shows you're making progress and can give you a feeling of success. This will help keep you going even though there may be problems. Your plan works like a map and has specific statements (objectives). Objectives describe short term steps which must be reached along the route to your OBJECTIVES. Objectives tell who is responsible to do what by when and how it will be done. It's also important to identify ways to find out if progress is being made on objectives. State things in a way that permit you to know when they've been accomplished. Write down your objectives, and the steps you plan to take to reach them. It doesn't have to be a big deal. It's been found that you are more likely to follow your plan if you have it written down. Also, it's important to check your plan with your superior so that you are sure it's okay. By doing this you also can get your superior's support in carrying out your objectives. OBJECTIVES can be of great value in daytoday efforts. If your goals are not clear you may get blamed or punished for not doing something you didn't know you were responsible for. You also might spend time on low priority

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