How to Play the Violin

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Sara Kim Demonstrative Speech Speech 1020C-153 Specific Purpose: To demonstrate to the audience how to properly hold and play the violin and briefly inform them about its history and its components. Central Idea: Although learning how to play the violin may seem difficult at first, it can be mastered through time, effort, and perseverance. “How to Play the Violin” I. “Squeak, squeak” This is how I sounded at first when I started learning how to play the violin at age 9. a. Sure, the idea of learning something new seems cool and fun at first, but later on, you start to get bored because you’re not so good at it. b. Learning how to play the violin, or any instrument for that matter is never easy at first. c. It takes practice, practice, and more practice to get to the level where you won’t be hearing noise, but melody. II. I’m not going to lie; the violin is a difficult instrument to learn. a. The violin is a fretless instrument, which makes it all the more difficult to play the notes in tune. b. The violin involves an interaction between the bow and the string, which means you have to coordinate the left hand that presses the strings with the right hand that holds the bow. c. Holding up the violin itself including the bow may feel uncomfortable and it takes some time getting used to. III. Learning the violin taught me that achieving something requires perseverance and that effort will accumulate over time and lead to accomplishment. (Transition: Let’s go over some basic background information of the violin and its components.) I. It is believed that the violin originated from Italy in the early 1500s. a. It is believed to have evolved from the fiddle, which is a bowed string instrument from the Medieval period. b.
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