How to Lead a Healthy Lifestyle

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Question: Based on your observation, many of your classmates are not taking proper care of their health. As you are the president of the Health Club of your school, your teacher advisor has asked you to write an article for the school magazine on how to lead a healthy lifestyle. Use the notes below to help you write your article: · Practise personal hygience Wash hand and brush teeth · Take balanced meals Avoid junk food and fried food · Drink a lot of water At least eight glasses daily · Get adequate sleep Seven to eight hours day · Have regular exercise Keep fit and build stamina · Share problems with others Talk to friends or school counselor When writing the article, you must remember: · To give a suitable title · To give your name as the writer · To include all the points given · To provide an ending · That your readers are students of your school Answer How to Lead a Healthy Lifestyle By: xxx From my recent observation, many students are not taking proper care of their health. They have to cope with such things like lessons, extra-curricular activities and social events. They tend to forget about their health in order to accomplish everything within a short span of time. This will eventually take its toll on the students themselves. Hence, I would like to share some tips on how to lead a healthy lifestyle. First of all, you have to practise personal hygiene. For example, wash your hands frequently especially before or after handling food and also brush your teeth twice a day. Keeping yourself clean helps prevent the spreading of bacteria. Another way is you have to take balanced meals. Your bodies need sufficient nutrition to sustain your activities. You should avoid eating junk food and fried food as they are

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