How to Get Ready for the Day

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How to Get Ready for the Day Most days of the week it is necessary for a person to get out of bed and look presentable for the day. When there are places to go and people to see, no one wants to leave the house looking like a total bum. Sometimes getting out of bed and preparing for the day can be hard, but going about it the right way can help tremendously. To get ready for the day a person must get out of bed, get ready, and leave the house on time. The first step in getting ready for the day is to get out of bed on time set an alarm the night before allowing plenty of time to get ready and be sure to have those feet on the floor as soon as that alarm goes off. After getting out of bed, decide if it’s a lazy day or a dressy day. Lazy days usually consist of some sort of loose-fitting, athletic attire, or maybe a favorite old pair of jeans and a t-shirt; dressy days, on the other hand, may require nice pants and a shirt and a little more effort. Picking out an outfit is the next step for getting ready. An outfit should always match, should consist of a shirt, pants and shoes, and should be weather and dress code appropriate. After deciding what kind of day it is, picking out an outfit, and a quick clock check to make sure there is still plenty of time, it is now time to actually get ready. Start with a hot shower it helps to really get the senses going, and it is never a bad thing to smell nice. Brushing one’s teeth should be next, this step is very, very important because no one, not even the closest of friends, wants to converse with a person who has breath like a farm animal. After the mouth is squeaky clean, it is time to put on the outfit, picked out earlier. Be sure to put the clothes on slowly and precisely, making sure that all tags are in the back, it is never fun to being ‘that person’ that came to work or school with their shirt or pants on

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