How To Become a Good College Student

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College is one of the most difficult battles in this war called life. College is very demanding and requires the tools, weapon, and shields in order to be successful. We are all soldier that are trying to get a favorable hand over the war. Some choose not to follow this path but many do. College prepare students for what lays beyond the battleground, but one must go though many obstacle to get there. One must start with a firm position so that they can face all the difficulties that college presents. Having good study habit, avoiding distraction, and having a strong resolve will lead the college student to victory. Tools are essential to soldiers in battles, because they provide support and sometimes save our lives. Study habits are one of the essential tools that students must obtain or enhance in order to be successful. It not something that can be brush off. We all know how to study but many still choose not to put it to practice. Well this one bad habit of not studying must change. Studying bring about results and knowledge that are needed in classes especially in difficult ones. There no wrong method of studying because everyone has their own method that works best for them. There are some methods that work for some but doesn’t for other. Since everyone is different, one must choose the method that works best. All that college demands is results and if studying with a certain method helps reach it than good for them. Studying can be compare to a hummer. A hummer is a powerful tool that can pound anything with force. Let’s say a nail is sticking out from a wood floor and when people come across it ends hurting them. Well, a hummer comes into play and it can either yank the nail or force it in. This same concept can be said about studying. They are going to be certain times, like test and quizzes, which requires you to force knowledge into your head. The best

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