How to Bake a Vanilla Cake

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How to Bake a Vanilla Cake from Scratch When you indulge in a sweet, delicious, fluffy cake, do you ever wonder what it takes to bake a cake? It is not a process that is done quickly and the cake is magically done, it only takes a few steps. It takes precision to put the right amount of ingredients into your cake, patience as you wait for your cake to bake, and of course, it takes imagination, and a good dash of fun to decorate your cake and have fun as your making it. You can bake a cake either with a box mix or from scratch. Here you will learn how to make bake your own cake from scratch and for only 10 to 20 dollars. Well, here are the steps on how to bake a cake and be on your way to making a new delicious desert for your friends and family. The first step would be to pick the type of cake you want to make, cheesecake, chocolate cake, or vanilla cake, anything you want. Here you will see how to bake a vanilla cake. First, you must gather all your ingredients, because everyone knows that without any ingredients there is no cake. Many of the ingredients you can get them at your local grocery store and they are very inexpensive. You will need to get butter, any brand will do, sugar it can be regular white sugar or if you want to be a little healthier you can use brown sugar. Be sure to grab eggs. Sifted self-rising flour, milk, and vanilla extract to give it that delicious vanilla taste. If your are with you are with your kids take them to the cake decorations and tell them to pick any icing they would like and topping they would like to put on it for example sprinkle, chocolate chips, anything they desire. Now that you have gathered all of your ingredients, it is time to take the right amount and mix them together. You will need 1 cup or two sticks of butter at room temperature, two cups of sugar, four eggs, three cups of sifted self-rising flour,

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