How the Civil Rights Impacted Black in Todays Society

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Tracey Michel African Diaspora 9/29/12 Civil Rights Paper Overtime, the Civil Rights Movement was one of the most impacted and critical areas in black history. Many historically black leaders lead blacks into different organizations, which created a great and positive impact on black’s equality with the whites. Although today the results of the movement contributed to the way blacks are treated, many people fought hard, putting their blood, sweat and tears to get us where we are today. The struggles that occurred during the Civil Rights Movement and even back during slavery were not in vain. Many things we do today were not allowed during the Civil Rights Movement. For example, my 75 year old grandma quoted that there was no fair equality. Blacks could not eat around or in the presence of whites. They were completely secluded from the whites. Blacks had to enter into a restaurant from the back and ate in nasty conditions. The food was distasteful, and service was vigorous. Blacks were treated like animals. They actually compared animals and blacks. The schools were segregated and blacks received torn and used books as well as harsh treatments from white students. As the blacks walked in whites threw rocks at them. They were separated during lunch and were not able to be involved in various schools. My grandmother explained the Brown vs. Board of Education case. She told me that this case had an impact on desegregation in schools. In Topeka, Kansas, a black third-grader named Linda Brown had to walk one mile through a railroad to get to her black elementary school, even though a white elementary school was only seven blocks away. When her father tried to enroll her into the white elementary school the principal of the school refused. The U.S. District Court for the District of Kansas heard Brown's case from June 25-26, 1951. At the trial, the NAACP argued

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